The quality of proteins in food products is tightly related to the quality of the raw material. Some studies have proven that essential amino-acid profiles depend on the variety of peanuts (e.g. the lysine content can vary between 30% and 105% if the FAO recommendations, Young et al. 1973). Indeed, varietal selectin could be a solution for the use of high-quality raw material in order to optimize the amino-acid profiles of food products via a better digestibility.
The quality of proteins can be evaluated by measuring in vivo digestibility scores in Human and animal models and by the chemical analysis of the amino-acids composition of proteins. The overall aim of this project is to use varietal selectivity in order to enhance the nutritional quality of plant raw materials that are largely available globally, such as peanuts, in order to optimize the quality of food products. The project focuses on the quality of peanut proteins (amino-acids profiles and digestibility) and its impact on high-value nutritional products such as ready-to-use-therapeutic-food (RUTF).