Globalization, changes in taste and agribusiness innovations, as well as changes in demographics and urban geography have caused an upheaval in food habits in developing countries. In a context where agricultural raw materials are subject to speculation, even though their availability is crucial for millions of individuals, the Nutriset Group has chosen to mobilize company teams on the optimal use of plant raw materials that are mainly grown and transformed in emerging areas. Ensuring access to animal proteins for the seven—and soon to be nine—billion people on the planet will be a real challenge for the agribusiness industry. In addition, food choices focusing on animal proteins have an impact on the environment. Today, we need alternatives.
This is why Nutriset Group created a research entity at the crossroads of the various company businesses and directly echoes their mandate. Since its creation in 2014, company dynamics have led to the development of new technologies in collaboration with Nutriset Group teams or with other partners for 36 prototype creations, no less than 6 patents, many scientific articles published and recognized by the community and several North South cooperations.
Nutriset Group has extended the farm to fork approach starting from the seed of peanut plants through the child's mouth to the digestibility of vegetable protein in a child exhibiting severe acute malnutrition. The consortium is called GreenNuts.
This project aims to use varietal selection in order to optimize the nutritional quality of widely available global plant-based raw materials, such as peanuts and their derived ingredients, in order to enable overall improvement of peanut-based food products.
The focus is on a peanut suspension in which starch is added and that exhibits specific mechanical characteristics relevant for food products.
Peanut proteins are mostly composed of arachins and conarachins, globular proteins that can form gels under thermal denaturation or enzymatic treatment. We explored here how ionic strength and gelation process could affect peanut protein gel properties.