
The active holding company

Define and guide the Group’s strategy

Onyx Développement, the parent company of Nutriset Group, plays a central and dynamic role. As the guardian of the mandate and its impacts, its mission is to define and guide the Group’s strategy. Thanks to its financial independence and family governance, Onyx Développement is committed to developing the economic growth of all its subsidiaries, while aligning their resources with the overall ambitions of Nutriset Group.

In its role of leading the group, its commitment is structured around three main axes:

Animate financial participations
Support their structuring, strengthen their skills and assist the growth of their activities
Ensure governance
As a shareholder, investor and administrator
Acquire and capitalize on knowledge
Through incubation and forward-looking projects

The Onyx Développement teams work to build collective performance with the aim of strengthening the potential of Nutriset Group’s partners. Onyx Développement holds equity stakes in 13 companies and organisations.

Shareholdings in PlumpyField® network structures

Local producer of nutritional solutions in Ethiopia Local producer of nutritional solutions in Burkina Faso Local producer of nutritional solutions in Guinea
Local producer of nutritional solutions in Nigeria Local producer of nutritional solutions in France Local producer of nutritional solutions in India
Local producer of nutritional solutions in Sudan Local producer of nutritional solutions in Niger

Shareholdings outside the PlympyField® network

Bless Laboratory
Food, environmental and water analysis laboratory in Ethiopia

Development and production of agricultural raw materials in Sudan

Nutritional solutions for vulnerable populations in France and Europe

Investment company in
agro-industry in Africa